Your True Colors: Why you need an Image Consultant
Brand Consultant
Boss Diplomat
+ 1 413 930 5110
Did you know that wearing the wrong colors can make you look ill, older and just off? Subconsciously, we are internally aware that one particular hue of color suits us more than the other. You may walk into a party and see someone wearing bright blue and wonder: “Hmmm. That just doesn’t look right…” You don’t see the person wearing the color. You see the color wearing the person. This is a telltale sign that the color you are wearing clashes with the natural colors within you and doesn’t flatter you.
Here is a quick test you can try to see if a particular color is working for you:
1. Select 3 photos of yourself wearing different clothes and colors
2. Where do your eyes go to first – the face, or the color of the outfit?
3. If your eyes see the color first, you are wearing the wrong color
4. If your eyes see the face first, you are wearing something that naturally complements you
Conducting a color analysis is the easiest way to find out what seasonal color palette is your perfect match. There are 12 different color palettes ranging from spring to winter, and only one of those color palettes is your perfect match. When conducting this analysis, we look at the color of your hair (dyed or otherwise), the natural color of your eyes, and the undertone of your skin – which, unlike skin tone, never changes with sun exposure. Once we’ve determined what color palette you belong in, you start to understand what colors suit you. This will ultimately lead to a wardrobe edit where you start to weed out colors that complement you versus colors that overpower you.
Understanding how color works and what it can do for you is a game changer for so many people. All of a sudden, you start to shop strategically and avoid colors that you know make you look off. As part of the color analysis, we train you on how to see color on yourself so that you make conscious and strategic choices for yourself.
If you’re interested in learning about your color palette, let’s talk. It’s one of the most life changing investments you could possibly make.
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